
Bootfahren: Bootsverleih : Terms and Conditions :



(We request our clients to pay attention to the following)

  1. You must be 18 years or over to make a booking with us.
  2. Online discounts and promotional fares are not available for bookings made through telephone calls; All prices displayed are subject to change without notice before a booking is confirmed.
  3. The person making the booking is classed as the “lead name” in any booking which includes more than one person.  Where you are the lead name you guarantee to us that you have the authority to accept  these Terms and Conditions  for each person named in your booking after drowning these to their attention. You  will be the primary contact with us and will accept any communications/correspondence from us on behalf of your entire party. 
  4. When you book, any taxes imposed by our government are included in the advertised price.
  5. At the time of booking, you must provide us with your contact details; These details must include a mobile number so that we can contact you any time if needed. If you fail to meet this obligation and we cannot reach you, we will not be liable to you or anyone else in your booking for any loss or expense you and they incur because of a lack of information from us about any change, amendment, delay or cancellation.
  6. Online bookings are valid only if forwarded at least 3 days before the chosen date and only if a confirmation e mail has been sent by us to you. For last minute bookings ( less than 3 days before the chosen date),  please contact us by telephone.
  7. In order to proceed with your reservation,  we will require a deposit of 30% of total rental price to be sent by bank transfer to us, or to be paid directly at our summer base. For bank transfers done very close to the rental date chosen, please bring the receipt with you when coming to our base to pick up the boat.
  8. After you have made your booking we will send you an e-mail confirming acceptance and it is at this time that a binding contract comes into existence between you and us . Please check your confirmation e-mail very carefully. If there are any discrepancies or it is not what you think you booked, please contact us immediately and no later than within 24 hours of booking to discuss.  Garda Boat accepts no responsibility for non-receipt of emails.  It is your responsibility to contact us if you do not receive an expected email regarding a booking confirmation.
  9. Any bookings found not to comply with this requirement will be cancelled. 

  1. You are responsible for making sure you have all relevant documents with you when visiting our base to sign rental contract; you must present all these below to us :

- valid passport or ID and an up to date motor boat licence (if applicable);

- valid credit card ( we accept VISA, MASTERCARD, MAESTRO, VISA ELECTRON) in order  to pay rental amount and the € 600,00  for damage deposit; please be aware that debit cards are welcome, but usually there is a daily limitation on money withdrawal.

- mobile telephone fully charged is essential onboard; it will have to be always switched on to communicate in any case (any emergency).

- confirmation e mail of your booking we sent.

If you do not appear to possess the correct  documentation or do not meet all relevant requirements of these Terms and Conditions, you will not be allowed to travel.

  1. DAILY RENTAL: 1 full day rental is approx. 7 hours: max arrival time in the evening is at 18:00. Our office open at 9:30, we do operate first come first served basis.
  2. WEEKLY RENTAL: pick up time at 11:00 - drop off time at 17:00.
  3. HALF DAY RENTAL: in the morning  10:30-14:00; in the afternoon 14:30-18:00.
  4. N.B. Non-arrival at our office by 11:00 a.m. on the boat rental start day without prior notification shall entitle Garda Boat to treat the booking as cancelled. Every boat is checked before the commencement of hire and In the event of mechanical failure, the right is reserved to delay departure until a repair is affected. Garda Boat will give you demonstration and explain the controls of boat and its equipments. A boat check will be done together  and a  boat check list must be signed by you after checks prior departure. Unless otherwise stated you must return the boat with all its equipment to Garda boat in the same condition as given (clean and tidy) by the established return time. The boat will be inspected again and in case of damage or loss a charge will be made. The return of boat  later than the estimate arrival time without any notification or in an unclean condition  will incur an extra payment.

  1. LEVEL OF COVER - COMPREHENSIVE WITH  EXCESSES (€600-€1000 depending on the type of boat): This covers damage caused by you to the boat by accident. It also covers you for any damage you cause to other people or property.
  2. Although boats are insured, you (The Driver) are primarily response for any damage or loss to the boat and its equipment; in case of damage/loss you will have to pay the amount of excess in full or part of; this amount will vary depending on the type of damage/or loss. You (The Driver) will be held responsible for the actions of the other members of your party as well.

N.B. We also strongly recommend that  you have adequate personal insurance cover for your holiday needs in case of injury.


  1. When making the contract with us on boat pick-up day, we ask you to pay by credit card a mandatory security deposit of €600 that will be held by Garda Boat for the entire duration of rental period.
  2.  If the boat is returned on time, in same condition as given and without damage,     loss of equipment or third party claim against you, the deposit will be given back to you. Where loss or damage has occurred, all or part of your security deposit may be withheld by Garda Boat to cover the cost of loss.

  • FUEL:
  1. Fuel costs are not included in boat rental rates.
  2. The Boat is given to you with full Tank ( 40hp boat = 50lt  and 70hp boat = 70lt ) and at the end of rental the boat must be refuelled completely as given prior to departure.
  3. Only UNLEADED PETROL must be used for our boats.
  4. For daily rental: at arrival we refuel together at the gas station located near our base.

  1. You (The Driver) are responsible for the boat's safe navigation and for the actions of each member of your party and you must take all reasonable care. No minor aged under 18 may control the boat.
  2. In the event of damage to or breakdown of the boat rendering it  inoperable, however caused, no responsibility can be accepted by Garda Boat for loss of time and any other damages or expenses incurred as a result. Garda Boat shall not be responsible for the consequence of any delay, restriction or cancellation of boat rentals arising from repairs or damage or other circumstances beyond its control.
  3. In the case of any accident or damage to the boat: you must notify us immediately  reporting full details and  you should wait for our instructions; no action should be taken by your own initiative.We will take steps to repair the boat as quickly as practicable in the circumstances; where no possible Garda Boat shall not be responsible  for the consequences of delays or cancellation.
  4.  In the case of any accident  or damage to any other craft or waterway property you must: record the details (name, model, registration number...) of any other boat involved with names, addresses of its owner  and witnesses (where applicable); immediately report the fact to Garda Boat with full details.
  5. No repairs may be put in hand  without Garda Boat's consent; you must wait our instructions.

  1. Children are counted as adults on board.
  2. The minimum age of an infant (0-3 years old) we recommend to be carried on board is 2 years,  but this is subject to parents discretion. Infants aged 3 years or under on board  are requested to travel seated on the lap of an adult responsible for that infant with lifejackets on at all times.
  3. At the moment of booking we must be informed when children are going to be aboard: we require their age and weight in kilos in order to provide you the right size of lifejacket.
  4. We recommend that children (3-14 years old) wear lifejackets when boat is moving.

  1. It is mandatory to respect maximum number of passenger permitted on board to comply with laws and regulations: the number of persons indicated for each boat must not be exceeded.
  2. When renting a boat for a few days, clients have the option to keep the boat at their accommodation; in this case they have to rent a proper mooring buoy or a space in the marina and provide us its reference number.
  3. Before getting on board it is a good idea to take off your shoes; we request that you use the boat with the utmost care and return it in the same condition in which you have been given; who brings food or drinks on board is strongly requested not to leave any rubbish or empty.
  4. The use of alcohol is strictly forbidden to the driver.
  5. You can not take and use on board any gas appliances and portable heaters of any type.
  6. You must navigate in accordance with current bye-laws and must observe the speed limits explained.
  7. At the end of rental period it is your own responsibility to ensure that you collect all your items of personal belongings from the boat; We accept no responsibility for any items left  aboard.
  8. Garda Boat is not responsible for sudden adverse weather condition; in case of bad weather or wind, depending on severity, planned hires may be delayed or cancelled (in this case they will be postponed to the first available date).
  9. The right is reserved to restrict cruising if unusual or hazardous conditions prevail.
  10. Garda Boat may at its absolute discretion refuse to hand over a boat or terminate the boat rental period in advance where, in the opinion of Garda Boat the driver is likely to cause damage, distress or fails to comply with company rules; in such event Garda Boat  will be under no obbligation to refund any money.











Garda Boat & Services srl, via Repubblica, 128 Manerba del Garda (BS) 25080 Lago di Garda c.f. e p.i. 03177420985 - Tel.+39 346 0403267

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